amath  1.8.5
Simple command line calculator
Statements and functions

Statements and functions


about       Show about text
clear       Clear console window
def         Define function
delete      Delete variable or function
digits      Set number of significant digits
eval        Evaluate arithmetic expression
execute     Execute statements in a file
functions   Show list of user defined functions
input       Change numeral input system
help        Show basic help text
output      Change numeral output system
list        Show content of a directory
show        Show content of a file
load        Load variable and functions from file
save        Save variable and functions to file
variables   Show list of variables
version     Show version string
license     Show copyright and license texts
memory      Show internal memory usage
exit        Exit program

Miscellaneous functions

abs         Absolute value of number
sgn         Mathematical signum function
round       Round to nearest integer number
trunc       Discard fraction part of number
floor       Mathematical floor function
ceil        Mathematical ceiling function
sqrt        Square root function (exp 1/2)
cbrt        Cube root function (exp 1/3)
lb          Binary logarithm function (base 2)
ln          Natural logarithm function (base e)
lg          Common logarithm function (base 10)

Trigonometric functions

sin         Trigonometric sine function
cos         Trigonometric cosine function
tan         Trigonometric tangent function
cot         Trigonometric cotangent function
sec         Trigonometric secant function
csc         Trigonometric cosecant function
crd         Trigonometric chord function
exsec       Trigonometric exsecant function
excsc       Trigonometric excosecant function
arcsin      Inverse trigonometric sine function
arccos      Inverse trigonometric cosine function
arctan      Inverse trigonometric tangent function
arccot      Inverse trigonometric cotangent function
arcsec      Inverse trigonometric secant function
arccsc      Inverse trigonometric cosecant function
arccrd      Inverse trigonometric chord function
arcexsec    Inverse trigonometric exsecant function
arcexcsc    Inverse trigonometric excosecant function

Hyperbolic functions

sinh        Hyperbolic sine function
cosh        Hyperbolic cosine function
tanh        Hyperbolic tangent function
coth        Hyperbolic cotangent function
sech        Hyperbolic secant function
csch        Hyperbolic cosecant function
arcsinh     Inverse hyperbolic sine function
arccosh     Inverse hyperbolic cosine function
arctanh     Inverse hyperbolic tangent function
arccoth     Inverse hyperbolic cotangent function
arcsech     Inverse hyperbolic secant function
arccsch     Inverse hyperbolic cosecant function

Early trigonometric functions

ver         Versed sine function
vcs         Versed cosine function
cvs         Coversed sine function
cvc         Coversed cosine function
hv          Haversed sine function
hvc         Haversed cosine function
hcv         Hacoversed sine function
hcc         Hacoversed cosine function
arcver      Inverse versed sine function
arcvcs      Inverse versed cosine function
arccvs      Inverse coversed sine function
arccvc      Inverse coversed cosine function
archv       Inverse haversed sine function
archvc      Inverse haversed cosine function
archcv      Inverse hacoversed sine function
archcc      Inverse hacoversed cosine function

Variables and constant

pi          Trigonometric constant
e           Euler's number
i           Imaginary unit
ins         Result of last calculation

Example script


Example script with functions


Example script with complex numbers
