amath  1.8.5
Simple command line calculator
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
 CAboutStatementShow about text
 CAnsiConoleEngineANSI console controller
 CArcChordNodeAn inverse chord function in a syntax tree
 CArcCosecantNodeA arccosecant function in a syntax tree
 CArcCosineNodeA arccosine function in a syntax tree
 CArcCotangentNodeA arccotangent function in a syntax tree
 CArcCoversedCosineNodeAn inverse coversed cosine function in a syntax tree
 CArcCoversedSineNodeAn inverse coversed sine function in a syntax tree
 CArcExcosecantNodeAn inverse excosecant function in a syntax tree
 CArcExsecantNodeAn inverse exsecant function in a syntax tree
 CArcHaCoversedCosineNodeAn inverse hacoversed cosine function in a syntax tree
 CArcHaCoversedSineNodeAn inverse hacoversed sine function in a syntax tree
 CArcHaVersedCosineNodeAn inverse haversed cosine function in a syntax tree
 CArcHaVersedSineNodeAn inverse haversed sine function in a syntax tree
 CArcSecantNodeA arcsecant function in a syntax tree
 CArcSineNodeA arcsine function in a syntax tree
 CArcTangentNodeA arctangent function in a syntax tree
 CArcVersedCosineNodeAn inverse versed cosine function in a syntax tree
 CArcVersedSineNodeAn inverse versed sine function in a syntax tree
 CBinaryLogNodeA binary logarithm function in a syntax tree
 CCeilingNodeA ceiling function in a syntax tree
 CCharBufferEncapsulate an character array which can be used as a string
 CChordNodeA chord function in a syntax tree
 CClearStatementClear the console window
 CComplexiNodeUse of the square root of -2 in a syntax tree
 CComplexNumberRepresent a complex number with 2 components of 15 significant digits
 CConsoleBaseAbstract base class encapsulating console logic
 CCosecantNodeA cosecant function in a syntax tree
 CCosineNodeA cosine function in a syntax tree
 CCotangentNodeA cotangent function in a syntax tree
 CCoversedCosineNodeA coversed cosine function in a syntax tree
 CCoversedSineNodeA coversed sine function in a syntax tree
 CCubeRootNodeA cube root function in a syntax tree
 CDeleteStatementDelete variable or function
 CDigitsStatementSet number of significant digits to show
 CEmptyStatementAn empty statement
 CErrorNodeRepresents an error message encapsulated in a syntax tree
 CEulersNumberNodeUse of Euler's number in a syntax tree
 CEvalStatementEvaluate arithmetic expression
 CExcosecantNodeA excosecant function in a syntax tree
 CExitStatementExit program
 CExpressionNodeBase class for all nodes related to mathematical expressions
 CExsecantNodeA exsecant function in a syntax tree
 CFilesystemBaseAbstract base class encapsulating file system calls
 CFloorNodeA floor function in a syntax tree
 CfunctiondefFunction definitions of known mathematical functions
 CFunctionDefinitionNodeA syntax node able to define a user defined function
 CFunctionListA list of user defined functions
 CFunctionNodeRepresents a mathematical function in a syntax tree
 CHaCoversedCosineNodeA hacoversed cosine function in a syntax tree
 CHaCoversedSineNodeA hacoversed sine function in a syntax tree
 CHaVersedCosineNodeA haversed cosine function in a syntax tree
 CHaVersedSineNodeA haversed sine function in a syntax tree
 CHelpStatementLogic related to the help statement
 CHyperbolicArcCosecantNodeAn inverse hyperbolic cosecant function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicArccosineNodeAn inverse hyperbolic cosine function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicArcCotangentNodeAn inverse hyperbolic cotangent function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicArcSecantNodeAn inverse hyperbolic secant function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicArcsineNodeAn inverse hyperbolic sine function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicArctangentNodeAn inverse hyperbolic tangent function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicCosecantNodeA hyperbolic cosecant function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicCosineNodeA hyperbolic cosine function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicCotangentNodeA hyperbolic cotangent function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicSecantNodeA hyperbolic secant function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicSineNodeA hyperbolic sine function in a syntax tree
 CHyperbolicTangentNodeA hyperbolic tangent function in a syntax tree
 CInputStatementChange numeral input system
 CInsVariableNodeUse of last result in a syntax tree
 CkeyworddefCharacter representation of keyword tied with its symbol
 CLexerEncapsulates an lexical analyzer. Provides token for the parser
 CLicenseStatementShow license text
 CListFunctionsStatementA syntax node able to list all user defined functions
 CListVariablesStatementStatement to list all user defined variables
 CLnRootNodeA natural logarithm function in a syntax tree
 CLogNodeA logarithm function in a syntax tree
 CMemoryBlockBlock of allocated memory
 CMemoryListList of allocated memory. Uses the LIFO principle
 CMemoryStatementShow memory usage
 CNonNumberRepresent a number which does not exists
 CNumeralSystemBase class for all numeral systems
 CNumericValueNodeUse of a numeric value in a syntax tree
 CoperatordefCharacter definition of operators
 COutputStatementChange numeral output system
 CParserEncapsulates a recursive descent parser
 CPiNodeUse of PI in a syntax tree
 CPositionalNumeralSystemBase class for all numeral systems with a positional notation
 CPrefsStatementLoad or save preferences
 CProgramMaster control class
 CPromptStatementSet prompt string
 CRealNumberRepresent a real number with 15 significant digits
 CRoundNodeA rounding function in a syntax tree
 CSecantNodeA secant function in a syntax tree
 CSignumNodeA signum function in a syntax tree
 CSilentStatementMutes the output of another statement
 CSineNodeA sine function in a syntax tree
 CSquareRootNodeA cube root function in a syntax tree
 CStandardConsoleEncapsulates the IO of a Standard C console
 CStatementBlockElementUsed to create a linked list of statements
 CStatementBlockNodeA sequence of statements in a syntax tree
 CStatementNodeBase class for all statements in a syntax tree
 CSyntaxNodeBase class for all nodes in a syntax tree
 CTangentNodeA tangent function in a syntax tree
 CTestProgramTest control class
 CTokenTokens are created by the Lexical Analyzer and provides an intermediate state for input consumed by the parser
 CTruncNodeA truncation function in a syntax tree
 CUserFunctionA user defined function
 CUserFunctionNodeAn expression node able to compute a function value
 CVariableA user defined variable
 CVariableListA list of user defined variables
 CVariableNodeUse of a variable in a syntax tree
 CVersedCosineNodeA versed cosine function in a syntax tree
 CVersedSineNodeA versed sine function in a syntax tree
 CVersionStatementShow version string