Simple command line calculator
CAnsiConoleEngine | ANSI console controller |
CBigInt | |
CCharBuffer | Encapsulate an character array which can be used as a string |
▼CCharValidator | |
▼CLanguage | |
CStandardLanguage | |
Ccomplex | |
▼CConsoleBase | Abstract base class encapsulating console logic |
CStandardConsole | Encapsulates the IO of a Standard C console |
CEvaluator | |
▼CFilesystemBase | Abstract base class encapsulating file system calls |
CStandardFilesystem | |
CFloatUnion64 | |
Cfunctiondef | Function definitions of known mathematical functions |
CFunctionList | A list of user defined functions |
CGrid | |
Chelptextdef | |
Cidentalias | |
Cidenthelpdef | |
Ckeyworddef | Character representation of keyword tied with its symbol |
CLexer | Encapsulates an lexical analyzer. Provides token for the parser |
CMemoryBlock | Block of allocated memory |
CMemoryList | List of allocated memory. Uses the LIFO principle |
▼CNumber | |
CComplexNumber | Represent a complex number with 2 components of 15 significant digits |
CNonNumber | Represent a number which does not exists |
CRealNumber | Represent a real number with 15 significant digits |
▼CNumeralSystem | Base class for all numeral systems |
▼CPositionalNumeralSystem | Base class for all numeral systems with a positional notation |
CDecimalSystem | |
Coperatordef | Character definition of operators |
COptimizer | |
CParser | Encapsulates a recursive descent parser |
▼CPreferencesBase | |
CStandardPreferences | |
▼CProgram | Master control class |
CStandardProgram | |
CTestProgram | Test control class |
CStatementBlockElement | Used to create a linked list of statements |
▼CSyntaxNode | Base class for all nodes in a syntax tree |
CErrorNode | Represents an error message encapsulated in a syntax tree |
▼CExpressionNode | Base class for all nodes related to mathematical expressions |
CAbsoluteNode | |
CFactorialNode | |
►CFunctionNode | Represents a mathematical function in a syntax tree |
►CNumericOperator | |
►CNumericValueNode | Use of a numeric value in a syntax tree |
CUnaryNode | |
►CVariableNode | Use of a variable in a syntax tree |
CStatementBlockNode | A sequence of statements in a syntax tree |
▼CStatementNode | Base class for all statements in a syntax tree |
CAboutStatement | Show about text |
CClearStatement | Clear the console window |
CDeleteStatement | Delete variable or function |
CDigitsStatement | Set number of significant digits to show |
CDrawStatement | |
CEmptyStatement | An empty statement |
CEvalStatement | Evaluate arithmetic expression |
CExecuteStatement | |
CExitStatement | Exit program |
CFunctionDefinitionNode | A syntax node able to define a user defined function |
CHelpStatement | Logic related to the help statement |
CInputStatement | Change numeral input system |
CLicenseStatement | Show license text |
CListFunctionsStatement | A syntax node able to list all user defined functions |
CListStatement | |
CListVariablesStatement | Statement to list all user defined variables |
CLoadStatement | |
CMemoryStatement | Show memory usage |
COutputStatement | Change numeral output system |
CPlotStatement | |
CPrefsStatement | Load or save preferences |
CPromptStatement | Set prompt string |
CSaveStatement | |
CShowStatement | |
CSilentStatement | Mutes the output of another statement |
CVersionStatement | Show version string |
Ctextdef | |
Ctexttag | |
CToken | Tokens are created by the Lexical Analyzer and provides an intermediate state for input consumed by the parser |
CUserFunction | A user defined function |
CVariable | A user defined variable |
CVariableList | A list of user defined variables |