33 #ifndef AMATH_LOCALE_HELP_H 34 #define AMATH_LOCALE_HELP_H 44 #include "main/symbol.h" 46 #define symzero Symbol(0
) 56 { 0,
"Enter command or expression to evaluate.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Example: 2+3-cos(3)#NORMALTEXT##NEWLINE# #NEWLINE#More help is available for designated topics.#NEWLINE#----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#functions Miscellaneous functions#NEWLINE#trigon Trigonometric functions#NEWLINE#hyper Hyperbolic functions#NEWLINE#early Early trigonometric functions#NEWLINE#complex Syntax for complex numbers#NEWLINE#statements Available statements#NEWLINE#operators Supported operators#NEWLINE#----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Example: help trigon#NEWLINE#" },
57 { 1,
"----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE# + Mathematical addition#NEWLINE# - Mathematical subtraction#NEWLINE# * Mathematical multiplication#NEWLINE# / Mathematical division#NEWLINE# ^ Mathematical exponentiation#NEWLINE# = Assignment of variable values#NEWLINE# | Absolute value of number#NEWLINE#----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#" },
58 { 2,
"----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#abs Absolute value of number#NEWLINE#sgn Mathematical signum function#NEWLINE#round Round to nearest integer number#NEWLINE#trunc Discard fraction part of number#NEWLINE#floor Mathematical floor function#NEWLINE#ceil Mathematical ceiling function#NEWLINE#sqrt Square root function (exp 1/2)#NEWLINE#cbrt Cube root function (exp 1/3)#NEWLINE#lb Binary logarithm function (base 2)#NEWLINE#ln Natural logarithm function (base e)#NEWLINE#lg Common logarithm function (base 10)#NEWLINE#----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Example: round(1.55)#NORMALTEXT##NEWLINE#" },
59 { 3,
"----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#sin Trigonometric sine function#NEWLINE#cos Trigonometric cosine function#NEWLINE#tan Trigonometric tangent function#NEWLINE#cot Trigonometric cotangent function#NEWLINE#sec Trigonometric secant function#NEWLINE#csc Trigonometric cosecant function#NEWLINE#crd Trigonometric chord function#NEWLINE#exsec Trigonometric exsecant function#NEWLINE#excsc Trigonometric excosecant function#NEWLINE#asin Inverse trigonometric sine function#NEWLINE#acos Inverse trigonometric cosine function#NEWLINE#atan Inverse trigonometric tangent function#NEWLINE#acot Inverse trigonometric cotangent function#NEWLINE#asec Inverse trigonometric secant function#NEWLINE#acsc Inverse trigonometric cosecant function#NEWLINE#acrd Inverse trigonometric chord function#NEWLINE#aexsec Inverse trigonometric exsecant function#NEWLINE#aexcsc Inverse trigonometric excosecant function#NEWLINE#----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#Inverse functions can be prefixed with ar or arc#NEWLINE#instead of a.#NEWLINE#" },
60 { 4,
"----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#sinh Hyperbolic sine function#NEWLINE#cosh Hyperbolic cosine function#NEWLINE#tanh Hyperbolic tangent function#NEWLINE#coth Hyperbolic cotangent function#NEWLINE#sech Hyperbolic secant function#NEWLINE#csch Hyperbolic cosecant function #NEWLINE#asinh Inverse hyperbolic sine function#NEWLINE#acosh Inverse hyperbolic cosine function#NEWLINE#atanh Inverse hyperbolic tangent function#NEWLINE#acoth Inverse hyperbolic cotangent function#NEWLINE#asech Inverse hyperbolic secant function#NEWLINE#acsch Inverse hyperbolic cosecant function#NEWLINE#----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#Inverse functions can be prefixed with ar or arc #NEWLINE#instead of a.#NEWLINE#" },
61 { 5,
"----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#ver Versed sine function#NEWLINE#vcs Versed cosine function#NEWLINE#cvs Coversed sine function#NEWLINE#cvc Coversed cosine function#NEWLINE#hv Haversed sine function#NEWLINE#hvc Haversed cosine function#NEWLINE#hcv Hacoversed sine function#NEWLINE#hcc Hacoversed cosine function#NEWLINE#aver Inverse versed sine function#NEWLINE#avcs Inverse versed cosine function#NEWLINE#acvs Inverse coversed sine function#NEWLINE#acvc Inverse coversed cosine function#NEWLINE#ahv Inverse haversed sine function#NEWLINE#ahvc Inverse haversed cosine function#NEWLINE#ahcv Inverse hacoversed sine function#NEWLINE#ahcc Inverse hacoversed cosine function#NEWLINE#----------------------------------------------------#NEWLINE#Inverse functions can be prefixed with ar or arc #NEWLINE#instead of a.#NEWLINE#" },
62 { 6,
"Expressions with complex numbers are written using an i to denote#NEWLINE#the imaginary value. Complex numbers can seamlessly be mixed with#NEWLINE#real numbers.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: 2+3i#NEWLINE#Example: 2+3.2i*cos(-1i)+5/7#NEWLINE#" },
63 { 7,
"The clear statement erases all text in the console window.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: clear#NEWLINE#" },
64 { 8,
"The def statement is used to define functions. When defining a function#NEWLINE#it is possible to omit the def keyword. Defined functions can be shown#NEWLINE#using the functions statement.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: def f(x)=2*x+3#NEWLINE#Optional syntax: f(x)=2*x+3#NEWLINE#" },
65 { 9,
"The delete statement can delete variable and functions. To delete a#NEWLINE#single variable or functions use the name of the function or variable.#NEWLINE#To delete all functions or variables specify either the variable or#NEWLINE#function keyword.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: delete f(x)#NEWLINE#Syntax: delete variables#NEWLINE#" },
66 { 10,
"The digits statement defines the displayed number of significant digits.#NEWLINE#To show current configuration use the digits statement without specifying#NEWLINE#the number.#NEWLINE# #SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: digits 7#NEWLINE#" },
67 { 11,
"The eval statement evaluates an expression. When evaluating an expression#NEWLINE#it is possible to omit the eval keyword.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: eval 2.4*x+3.2#NEWLINE#Optional syntax: 2.4*x+3.2#NEWLINE#" },
68 { 12,
"The execute statement reads the content of a file and execute all statements.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: execute \"savedfile\"#NEWLINE#" },
69 { 13,
"The input statement either changes or shows the how numeral input is interpreted.#NEWLINE#Possible input systems are: binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. Default is#NEWLINE#decimal. To use positional systems with other bases specify the base number.#NEWLINE#Numeral output system can be modified using the output statement.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: input hexadecimal#NEWLINE#Syntax: input 4#NEWLINE#" },
70 { 14,
"The help statement can be used to display help about topics and statements.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: help variables#NEWLINE#" },
71 { 15,
"The output statement either changes or shows the how numeral output is shown.#NEWLINE#Possible output systems are: binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal. Default#NEWLINE#is decimal. To use positional systems with other bases specify the base number.#NEWLINE#Numeral input system can be modified using the input statement.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: output octal#NEWLINE#" },
72 { 16,
"No description is available for the list statement.#NEWLINE#" },
73 { 17,
"The show statement displays the content of a file.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: show \"filetosee\"#NEWLINE#" },
74 { 18,
"The load statement retrieves a set of defined variables and functions from#NEWLINE#a file. Variables and functions can be saved using the save statement.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: load \"savedwork\"#NEWLINE#" },
75 { 19,
"The save statement saves defined variables and functions to a file in a#NEWLINE#plain text format. Saved variables and functions can be retrieved using#NEWLINE#the load statement.#NEWLINE# #SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: save \"worktokeep\"#NEWLINE#" },
76 { 20,
"Show which version of amath is running.#NEWLINE#" },
77 { 21,
"Show various information about the running version of amath.#NEWLINE#" },
78 { 22,
"Show license details.#NEWLINE#" },
79 { 23,
"Show internal memory usage together with maximum usage.#NEWLINE#" },
80 { 24,
"There is no help for prefs statement now.#NEWLINE#" },
81 { 25,
"The variable statement shows a list of variables in memory.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: variables#NEWLINE##NORMALTEXT#optional syntax: vars#NEWLINE#" },
82 { 26,
"The exit statement shuts down amath.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Syntax: exit#NEWLINE#" },
83 { 27,
"Euler's number is base of the exponential function which equals its own#NEWLINE#derivative. It is approximately equal to 2.71828.#NEWLINE##SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#Example: ln(e)#NEWLINE#" },
84 { 28,
"Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Being an#NEWLINE#irrational number, pi cannot be expressed exactly as a common fraction.#NEWLINE#The value of pi is commonly approximated as #SYNTAXHIGHLIGHT#3.14159#NORMALTEXT#.#NEWLINE#" },
85 { 29,
"The imaginary unit is denoted and commonly referred to as i.#NEWLINE#The imaginary unit is a number, which when multiplied#NEWLINE#by itself gives -1.#NEWLINE#" },
86 { 30,
"No help is available for the ins variable#NEWLINE#" },
87 { 31,
"No help is available for the binary keyword#NEWLINE" },
88 { 32,
"No help is available for the octal keyword#NEWLINE" },
89 { 33,
"No help is available for the decimal keyword#NEWLINE" },
90 { 34,
"No help is available for the hexadecimal keyword#NEWLINE" },
static const helptextdef helptexts[]